Bonner General Health is the only hospital in Sandpoint, Idaho.
Monica Carrillo-Casas, April 27, 2023
MOSCOW, Idaho--- Before the discontinuation of labor and delivery services and "abortion trafficking" was on anybody's radar, Idaho was already ranked less than half the states for medical care.
In an article by 24/7 Wall St. in 2022, they state that Idaho stands as eight in the worst healthcare systems in the country, with Texas coming in first, while other surveys done by the U.S. News and World Report and WalletHub share that Idaho fits in between a 24-26 ranking.
Although it would only deem appropriate to confide in reports from the U.S. News and World Report, it seems in the past year or so Idaho's medical bans and lack of labor services have become a bigger issue.
Idaho has been the first state to issue “abortion trafficking,” making it illegal for an adult to help a minor get an abortion without the parent’s consent. This bill was signed early April.
Anybody who is convicted of this law could face two to five years in prison and could additionally be sued by the minor’s parent or guardian.
Only a couple of weeks before that, Bonner General Health in Sandpoint ended its labor and delivery services saying it was due to the “legal and political climate,” according to ABC News.
400 miles away from Boise and the only hospital in Sandpoint, this will only create chaos for residents in
North Idaho who might not be able to make the trip to a bigger city.
The discontinuation of labor and delivery services will officially end mid-May, as of right now.
In addition to these two issues revolving
around the state, House Bill 71 continues to be battled by Idaho residents. This would ban medical care for trans youth.
What do you think about Bonner General Health discontinuing labor and delivery services to North Idaho residents? How do you think we can help battle these #healthcare issues?